Pom Pom 123

Pom Pom 123 is best played by three or more players.  It is a version of hide and seek but played over a larger area.  At the beginning of a game a decision is made as to where the home base will be - it can be a tree, a lamp post, the top of a mound etc and the person who is 'it' will count to fifty as the others go off and hide.

How many players are there in Pom Pom 123?


or more Players

How do you play Pom Pom 123?

These are the rules of playing Pom Pom 123.

The point of the game is to get back to the home base without the person who is 'it' seeing you.  The person who is 'it' will periodically leave the home base and go and seek those who are hiding.  When they spot someone they have to run back to the home base and shout 'Pom Pom 123' and the person's name.  If the person who is spotted can run faster and touch the home base and shout 'Pom Pom 123 in' before the person who is 'it' they are safe.  You don't have to be seen to run back to the home base, anyone can run back to the home base if they think they can get there before the person who is 'it'.  The first person that is spotted and who can't get back to the home base before the person who is 'it', will be 'it' in the next game.

Posted by Manic Tomcat

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